Answered By: TCTC Learning Commons
Last Updated: Aug 18, 2020     Views: 562

Yes you can.  In fact we have a webpage devoted to printing in the Library. See here.

In a nutshell:

1. Log into using your eTC username and password.

2. Click on Web Print in the left hand menu.

3. When you are on the web print page you will see Submit Job on the right hand side of the page. Click that to get started.

4. Pick Monochrome or Color printing. Then Click the button "Print Options and Account Selection"

5. For Options enter in the number of copies then click the Upload Document button.

6. Next you will see:

Choose the file from your device and make sure it is one of the supported formats.

7. Click Upload and Complete to send the print job to TCTC. Then you may go to any open lab print and login with your T-Number to release the print job. Please remember to log out once the print job is complete.